Please feed them!
Leave plenty of failed bee hives out to feed wax moth this season. They count on us!!!

Charlie Bee Company
Wax Moth Breeders Association Sticker

Save the Wax Moth!
The Wax Moth Breeders Association seeks to protect the vital populations of the greater and lesser wax moth in North American and around the world.
Wax moth rely on careless, lazy, or inexperienced beekeepers (like Charlie Agar of Charlie Bee Company among others - you know who you are) to leave failed hives (deadouts) in the field long enough for this vital species to reproduce, grow, and prosper.
Big, failed bee hives invite wax moth larvae, cocoons, and generate loads of messy webbing and divots in your woodware — a small price to pay for being the genesis of another lifecycle of moths (not to mention lots of feces).
Join the Wax Moth Breeders Association to show your support and impress your friends today. Enter your information below to see if you make the cut.