Got a Bee Problem? CharlieBee Can Help!

Have you noticedย honeybees flying in and out of your home, a tree, or an old shed out back? Maybe you even got stung while mowing the lawnโ€”ouch! We get it, and Charlie Bee is here to help.

Bee removals typically fall into a few simple categories, and Charlie offers time-tested solutions with straightforward pricing for every nuisance bee situation.

How to Get Help:

๐Ÿ“ธ Text Charlie directly at 830-708-8797 with:

  • Your name and address
  • A brief description of the situation
  • Photos of the hive area (if safe to capture)

๐Ÿ“ž Prefer to call? Leave a message at 830-708-8797, and your call will be returned ASAP. Or fill in the form below to send an email to

Donโ€™t let unwanted bees become a bigger problemโ€”reach out today! ๐Ÿ

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