Eat all the Carbs You Want!

Eat all the Carbs You Want!

Spring is in full swing here in Central Texas, and that means one thing—it's Game On for beekeeping! The warm weather has the bees rocking and rolling, and we're busy making sure they're well-fed with plenty of pollen and nectar.

Right now, we're focused on feeding, feeding, feeding to get our colonies strong for the season ahead. But as hives build up quickly, it’s also time to watch for swarm cells and make sure bees have plenty of space. A booming hive is great—but if they run out of room, they’ll start making plans to leave! Over the coming weeks, we’ll be keeping a close eye on our hives, making splits where needed and managing space to prevent swarming.

At the end of March, we’ll be splitting hives in preparation for the arrival of mated queens in early April and our big shipment of bees. For those who pre-ordered nucs, get ready for pickup at the end of April—these will be some beautiful, thriving colonies!

We’ve also got all the gear and supplies beekeepers need to kick off the season—whether you’re a seasoned beekeeper or just starting out. Stop by the shop, or better yet, join us for our weekly beekeepers' meetup—Saturdays at 9 AM. This Saturday, weather permitting, we'll be opening hives, checking in on the bees, and making sure they have plenty of space before swarm season kicks into high gear.

Come have a coffee, talk shop, and get to know some great folks in the beekeeping community!

See you Saturday!

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